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Silver Sands Motel & Suites

For Hart's Content Cottages, Check Availability and Call 231-742-6162 to make a reservation


Resort Policy/Guidelines

Check-In Times:

Cottage & Condo Units: 5:00 p.m.

Motel Rooms: 3:00 p.m.

Check-Out Times:

Cottage & Condo Units: 10:00 a.m.

Motel Rooms: 11:00 a.m.

  1. Quiet Time starts at 11:00 p.m. Please be extra considerate of other guests that may be sleeping. Customer complaints of excessive noise that result in security being requested may result in additional charges and/or eviction without a refund of the offending party at the discretion of the management.
  2. Pets are not allowed on the property at any time. This is a safety and liability issue and will be strictly enforced. Guests found complicit in violating this policy run the risk of eviction with no refund and an additional charge of $500.
  3. “VISITORS”. Friends and family not staying at the Silver Sands Resort must have Management Permission to be “on the property” at any time unless just picking up or dropping off a guest. Excessive loitering on grounds, entering rooms/cottages, and using facilities (including parking space) are examples of visitor violations. Guests found complicit in violating this policy run the risk of eviction, additional charges, and/or criminal prosecution subject to management discretion.
  4. Smoking policy. Smoking in any unit, including cottages, is a violation of the new Michigan Law. Please do not smoke near open windows or doorways or taking remains into rooms and cottages, deposit butts in appropriate receptacles, not on the ground! Fees of up to $150 + loss of revenue may be imposed on guests violating this policy.
  5. Excessive alcohol or drunkenness, or other inappropriate behavior, will not be tolerated. At the discretion of the management, violation of this policy may result in immediate eviction with no refund, or additional charges/deposits to ensure compliance.
  6. No cooking in units without kitchens (hotel rooms). Guests found cooking, or if evidence of cooking is discovered in rooms, will be charged a minimum of $150 fee.
  7. In-room and cottage furnishings (furniture, cushions, bedding, etc) are not intended for outside use; please do not remove from the room or take to the beach or dunes.
  8. Fireworks are not allowed without the permission of Resort Management. Loud and disruptive and/or aerial fireworks are not allowed.
  9. Damaged or missing property will be added to room charges based on reasonable repair and replacement estimates. We have provided a list of standard set-up information for typical items sometimes found missing so you can verify that these items don’t accidentally get lost or packed during your stay.
  10. Motorized vehicles (including quads) are not allowed in yard areas at any time and are restricted to vehicle parking areas. This is a safety and liability issue, and guests found complicit in violating this policy run the risk of eviction with no refund and charges up to $500.
  11. Restricted Items are NOT ALLOWED in rooms/cottages without Management Permission (bikes, AC units, car parts  including tires and doors, compressors, high demand electric appliances, combustibles, etc). If you need secured storage for items not allowed in hotel rooms/cottages, please ask at the front desk. 
  12. Bikes, skateboards, etc. must be walked when near building to avoid the risk of injury to self or others. 
  13. Personal grills are allowed with restrictions; no grilling on decks, walkways, or picnic tables and must be a minimum of 10 ft from building structures. Grills must be returned to your vehicle when not in use, and not left on walkways, decks, or brought into rentals. If you need help with storing your grill, please ask management.
  14. Campfire locations are regulated by the local fire marshall; privileges could be revoked if violated. Some guests also mistake these as trash barrels — but burning trash (like cans, bottles & tops, plastics/petroleum products, etc.) is a violation of our permits and could also result in negative consequences. 
  15. Watercraft must be registered with the front desk. Docks are not anchored and are for loading and unloading passengers only, no tying to docks. Boats found unattended and tied to docks will be removed and charged a service fee for the return of the boat. Boat slips (for a small fee) or mooring anchors may be available to anchor watercraft, inquire at the front desk.   

Policy content under construction.

Interior Kitchen of Silver Sands Resort Mears MI Silver Lake CottageSilver Sands Resort Updated Kitchen

Exterior of Cottages on Silver Lake, Mears MI Silver Sands Resort

Silver Sands Resort—Exterior of Cottages